Math 9 - Today, you had health with Ms. Abbott.

WA 10 - Today, you POE'd. This was your final POE day before your Final for Strategy.

Science 9 - Today, we learned about Mercury from an awesome documentary. I will be showing the documentaries at lunch next week for anyone who was absent.

Career 9 - Today, we wrote a response to stress in our lives:

1. Draw a circle in the center a piece of paper and write something that is causing you stress in the centre.
2. Branch out with at least three factors contributing to that stressor.
3. Branch out from each factor with 2-3 ways you can cope with the stressor or eliminate it.
4. Repeat with two other stresses in your life.

We also focussed on the great things the future will hold with Dr. Seuss' "Oh! The Places You'

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